STS pedagogies

“Design a feminist technology” final project HS2020

This assignment is referenced in the "We Are All Screwing Up and Sticking With It" panel in the STS as a Critical Pedagogy workshop, June 23, 2021. See a HS2020 video on YouTube.Read more

STS Laboratories, Clinics, Data Panel Notes July 7

This is a PDF download of a Google document. It reflects notes taken during the "STS Laboratories, Clinics, Data" Panel with Anita Say Chan, Rachel Douglas-Jones, Ranjit Singh, and Malte Ziewitz in the STS as a Critical Pedagogy Workshop, Summer 2021. Notes were primarily taken by undergraduate...Read more

Social, Technical... and Environmental?: Addressing Environmental Entanglements as a Part of Engineering Education

This paper, by Dr. Elizabeth A. Reddy and Dr. Shannon Davies Mancus, was presented at the ASEE 2021 meeting.

Training students to be sensitive to the entanglements of technologies and social life has been an important move for engineering educators interested...Read more

Panel Description (We are screwing up and sticking with it)

While technopreneurs have embraced the idea and practice of failing as necessary training for eventual success, in this panel we situate front and center our screw-ups and struggles in the classroom while divesting ourselves of the...Read more

DSIS Studio I Syllabus

This is a syllabus for DSIS Studio I, taught by Raquel Velho at RPI in Fall 2020.Read more

Introduction to Science and Technology Studies (STS 5024) Syllabus

This is a syllabus for Science and Technology Studies (STS 5024), a graduate course taught by Sonja Schmid and Matthew Wisnioski in Fall 2020.Read more

Cooking with STS: Lived Experience as Ingredients Panel Notes July 14, 2021

This is a PDF download of a Google document. It reflects notes taken during the "Cooking with STS: Lived Experiences as Ingredients" Panel with Matthew Harsh, Nicole Mogul, David Tomblin, Damien P. Williams, and Hong-An Wu in the STS as a Critical Pedagogy Workshop, Summer 2021. Notes were...Read more

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