STS pedagogies

Cooking With STS Panel Abstract

What’s cookin’ in your STS pedagogies? Let’s share recipes and make an STS cookbook together! In this panel, we invite you to reflect and imagine what alternative ways of relating, being, and figuring may emerge in our STS pedagogies when...Read more

Making the Case for Ourselves: Boundary Objects in Critical STS Pedagogies Slides June 23, 2021

These slides were created by Marisa Brandt, Sean Ferguson, Anna Geltzer, Kathleen Sheppard, Kari Zacharias for their "Making the Case for Ourselves: Boundary Objects in Critical STS Pedagogies" panel as part of the STS as a Critical Pedagogy...Read more

The Digital Anthropocene Syllabus - 2020 - Douglas-Jones

We make the digital from the natural world, crafting metals and plastics into sleek handheld forms. We observe and make our understandings of environments through digital devices, spreadsheet accounting and carbon calculations. We have brought epochal shifts into being through rhetoric,...Read more

STS as a Critical Pedagogy Workshop Program

This is the final version of the collaboratively-built program for the NSF funded "STS as a Critical Pedagogy" workshop, hosted virtually in the summer of 2021.

The workshop was originally scheduled to take place in person over two days in the summer of 2019. Delayed due to Covid-19, and...Read more

EY. Text As Pedagogy

This authors write that, "In one way or another, we were all struck by disjunctions between the radical propositions of feminist theory and how these texts were read, discussed, and taught in our...Read more

Arts Based Research Syllabus

This syllabus is for arts based research, intended for graduate students in a community arts and education program. The primary audience was students who had never done qualitative research before with the occasional doctorate student...Read more

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