STS pedagogies

Arts Based Research Syllabus

This syllabus is for arts based research, intended for graduate students in a community arts and education program. The primary audience was students who had never done qualitative research before with the occasional doctorate student...Read more

Screwing Up and Sticking With It in Singapore (slides) - Monamie Bhadra Haines

This is a PDF export of slides that accompanied remarks Monamie Bhadra Haines made as part of the "We Are Screwing Up and Sticking With It" panel in the STS as a Critical Pedagogy workshop, June 16, 2021.Read more

DSIS Studio I Syllabus

This is a syllabus for DSIS Studio I, taught by Raquel Velho at RPI in Fall 2020.Read more

Re-Imagining Display: Object-oriented exploration of invisibilised knowledge

These slides accompanied comments by Ellie Armstrong in the Making the Invisible Visible panel in the STS as a Critical Pedagogy Workshop.Read more

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