STS as a Critical Pedagogy Workshop

Re-Imagining Display: Object-oriented exploration of invisibilised knowledge

These slides accompanied comments by Ellie Armstrong in the Making the Invisible Visible panel in the STS as a Critical Pedagogy Workshop.Read more

We Are Screwing Up and Sticking With It Panel Notes June 16, 2021

This is a PDF download of a Google document. It reflects notes taken during the "We Are Screwing Up and Sticking With It" Panel with Elizabeth Reddy, sam smiley, Monamie Bhadra Haines, and Lindsay Smith in the STS as a Critical Pedagogy Workshop, Summer 2021. Notes were primarily taken by...Read more

The Digital Anthropocene Syllabus - 2020 - Douglas-Jones

We make the digital from the natural world, crafting metals and plastics into sleek handheld forms. We observe and make our understandings of environments through digital devices, spreadsheet accounting and carbon calculations. We have brought epochal shifts into being through rhetoric,...Read more

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