STS as a Critical Pedagogy Workshop

Introduction to Science and Technology Studies (STS 5024) Syllabus

This is a syllabus for Science and Technology Studies (STS 5024), a graduate course taught by Sonja Schmid and Matthew Wisnioski in Fall 2020.Read more

Navigating Dimensions across Materials and History: Scale as a Lens to Understand Dynamic and Cumulative Sociotechnical Relationships

"Navigating Dimensions across Materials and History: Scale as a Lens to Understand Dynamic and Cumulative Sociotechnical Relationships" by Ellan F. Spero and Christine Ortiz.

Spero, E. F., & Ortiz, C. (2021). Navigating Dimensions across Materials and History: Scale as a Lens to...Read more

Interrogating STS Pedagogies Panel Abstract

During our session on Interrogating Critical STS Pedagogies tomorrow, we will share - and ask you to share - artifacts that you use while teaching STS, but that also help you reflect on what critical pedagogy means to you. These might be...Read more

Context: Assignment and Link to Student Work

This document provides the assignment description and link to student work associated with the Social Text Editorial Board exercise that is part of the Introduction to Science and Technology Studies graduate course taught by Sonja Schmid and Matthew Wisnioski.Read more

“Design a feminist technology” final project HS2020

This assignment is referenced in the "We Are All Screwing Up and Sticking With It" panel in the STS as a Critical Pedagogy workshop, June 23, 2021. See a HS2020 video on YouTube.Read more

STS Teaching and Thinking with Disabilities Panel Notes June 14, 2021

This is a PDF download of a Google document. It reflects notes taken during the "STS Teaching and Thinking with Disabilities" Panel with Crystal Lee, Ashley Shew, and Cora Olson in the STS as a Critical Pedagogy Workshop, Summer 2021. Notes were primarily taken by undergraduate fellow Courtney...Read more

Choose Your Own Hurricane

This artifact was created by Eric Kennedy as a teaching resource in concert with the associated readings. See this bundle for associated readings: more

EY. Envisioning a future for the role of teaching in STS

I see a real growth in interest and investment in STS teaching, as evidenced by the increased presence of panels related to pedagogy in the most recent 4S meetings, remarks made by former 4S...Read more

Harnessing interdisciplinary groups to articulate fundamental assumptions and perspectives

These slides accompanied comments made by Shelby Dietz as part of the "Making the Invisible Visible" panel in the STS as a Critical Pedagogy Workshop, summer 2021.Read more

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