"Defunct satellites and other technological waste are increasingly occupying Earth’s orbital space, a region designated as one of the global commons. These dilapidated technologies that were commissioned to sustain the production and exchange of data, information, and images are an...Read more
One might say that thirdspaces or thirdplaces (based in FLACSO) as developed by María Belén Albornoz and Gaudys Sanclemente (2019) and Maka Suarez and Jorge Nuñez (2019a, 2019b,...Read more
Turkey is offered by Aybike Alkan, Duygu Kaşdoğan, and Maral Erol as a landscape of three fragmented luminosities—of universities, art-science discussion spaces (including a documentary film)...Read more
In the slow turn away from speculative philosophy to grounded ethnography, from the “ontological” turn to the ecological turn, from presentism to future scenario-and-design thinking, and from...Read more
On a first reading, I couldn't find much in common with our own text, but the emphasis on sound and how it is produced with and through places (and then again it produces new...Read more