Connecting Critical Participation and Critical Pedagogy


As described in our NSF proposal, frameworks that inform our thinking about STS as critical pedagogy include critical participation and critical pedagogy. How can we create learning environments that support students’ development of critical thinking skills as applied to the examination of science and technology in society, while modeling reflexivity and being open to learning alongside them? How can we think of learning environments as simultaneously sites of knowledge production, as opposed to sites of knowledge transmission?


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Contributed date

August 28, 2019 - 9:19am

Critical Commentary

This artifact considers how bringing together critical participation and critical pedagogy frameworks can support the conceptualization of STS pedagogies.



Group Audience

Cite as

Emily York and Shannon N. Conley, "Connecting Critical Participation and Critical Pedagogy", contributed by Emily York, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 28 August 2019, accessed 22 February 2025.