
AO. Other libraries and archives.

AO: Page 453 of Carotenuto and Luongo (2005) highlights other libraries and archives that could be of interest to researchers in Nairobi. As an extension of this exhibit, Trevas and I are working...Read more

2020 Dec 07. Transcript of Audio Clip on NGO-ization

Transcript of Audio Clip Recorded December 7, 2020

Angela Okune:

So in a version--basically I got feedback on the blog post that I had shared you that you said you got the chance to look at--I also revised that and submitted it as a paper. And so the professor...Read more

"In your own opinion, what were the core aspects that made iHub Research what it was?"

" Novelty - that you were part of something new and exciting. Not just research but a niche in tech research (discovery).

The team. The calibre of the individuals who started iHub Research were top notch. You just have to look at where they are...Read more

Annex: Mobile Usage at the Base of the Pyramid in Kenya

AO: This document is the accompanying annex to the main report findings.Read more

AO. Questioning common narrative of Kenya as "not a reading nation"

AO: This is a rich paragraph from Wanjiru's blog post that raises several issues. First, she identifies a common public narrative about how Kenyans do not read. I have also often heard some...Read more

2016. Shrum et al. "Has the Internet Reduced Friendship? Scientific Relationships in Ghana, Kenya, and India, 1994-2010"

" Has the Internet changed the pattern of social relations? More specifically, have social relations undergone any systematic change during the recent widespread diffusion of new communications technology? This question is addressed using a unique longitudinal survey that bookends...Read more

Daily Nation Interview with Mshai Mwangola: "Arts are an essential part of a holistic education, not just for a talented few"

In this interview with Kenyan newspaper, Daily Nation's DAISY OKOTI, Mshai Mwangola ties the importance of performing a story to intellectually engaging with any idea. She states: "Stories are a prism through which we are able to abstract, reflect, and collectively think through the...Read more

Karega-Munene. “Museums in Kenya: Spaces for Selecting, Ordering and Erasing Memories of Identity and Nationhood.” African Studies 70, no. 2 (August 1, 2011): 224–45.

SM: This article by Karega Munene sets a background for why the National Museums of Kenya has the collection it owns and the reasons for why some items (books and other artifacts) are excluded or included within the collection.Read more

National Archive as the store of the country's history

Chief Archivist of the Kenya National Archives, N.W. Fedha (1972) wrote :

The National Archives is really a store of all the history of this country. A country without history is like a tree without roots. But then how can a country hope to preserve its history...Read more

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