Report by Ergun Türkcan

This report was prepared by Ergun Turkcan during the establishment of TEKPOL at METU, and discusses the possibilities for collaboration with Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at Sussex University. It includes detailed notes of visit to the SPRU (28 September 1995). [text marked by Duygu...Read more

Transnational STS in Engaging Science, Technology, and Society (ESTS) Journal

Aalok Khandekar, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad

Strengthening “Transnational STS” is a primary goal of the incoming editorial collective of 4S’s Open Access journal, Engaging Science, Technology, and Society (ESTS...Read more

ESTS Data Publication Agreement

ESTS developed two supporting documents to be completed by contributors interested in submitting their source data for publication by ESTS, this Data Publication Agreement and a Data Availability Statement guidance. This Data Publication Agreement explicitly lays...Read more

ESTS Data Availability Statement Guidance

ESTS developed two supporting documents to be completed by contributors interested in submitting their source data for publication by ESTS, this Data Availability Statement guidance and a Data Publication Agreement template. The Data Availability Statement is a means to...Read more

Transnational STS in ESTS Journal

Draft paper prepared for open panel, Transnational STS: Theories, Pedagogies, and Practices at 4S-EASST virPrague 2020 conference.Read more

Appendix C: Tables

This document includes tables outlining the readings assigned each week, and a description of the participants’ final assignment topics.

Find the other data linked ...Read more

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