Engaging Science, Technology, and Society Journal
Data Availability Statement Guidance
Version 2.0 - Last Updated: March 10, 2022
If you are submitting source data to Engaging Science, Technology, and Society (ESTS) journal for publication, you are required to provide an accompanying data availability statement of between 500-1,000 words with your submission. This statement will be published together with the source data. The statement or a URL to it will appear with any manuscripts that you publish with ESTS that use this data.
The data availability statement should include:
A brief summary of the materials that have been provided as source data;
Why do you consider this source data to be a valuable contribution to the field of STS? Why did you choose to include this particular data/dataset/evidence/instrumentation?
Who do you think might be interested in this data? Who should ideally be engaging with this data? Are there any productive lines of inquiry that you might suggest others take?
A brief summary of any materials that have not been shared (what additional materials have you decided not to share for any variety of reasons, e.g. legal; ethical; technical; time limitations; etc.?).
A brief outline of the histories/contexts that created this data (personal, institutional, national, ecological, etc.) We invite you to describe the (historical) conditions necessary for the data to be made.
Engaging Science Technology and Society, 10 March 2022, "ESTS Data Availability Statement Guidance for 6S Sketch Prompt", contributed by Angela Okune, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 15 September 2022, accessed 22 February 2025. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/ests-data-availability-statement-guidance-6s-sketch-prompt
Critical Commentary
This is the latest guidance from the open access journal Engaging, Science, Technology, and Society regarding the drafting of a data availability statement to be used for the 6S Sketch Program 2022.