A Genius, Rebellious and Totally Suspicious Journal: Sizofrengi

In this essay, historian of psychiatry Fatih Artvinli tells a story of the journal Şizofrengi (1992-1998), which stands as a significant discovery for innovating STS in Turkey. 

This essay is written in Turkish and translated into English. The Turkish version is...Read more

Data Availability Statement for "BECOMING AN AFRICAN TECHPRENEUR"

For the development of this writing, we leveraged an autoethnographic approach, using our writing process as a primary means of inquiry. We (Angela Okune and Leonida Mutuku) have been close friends since 2010 when we began to work as colleagues at the iHub. When offered the opportunity to re-...Read more

STS in Japan and East Asia: Governance of Science and Technology and Public Engagement

This 2009 article by Yuko Fujigaki describes the development of Japanese STS from the 1980s up to the planning processes for the 2010 4S Meeting in Tokyo. The article also focuses on analyzing historical case studies (Minamata disease, itai-itai disease, the Monju nuclear power plant incidents)...Read more

2020 Oct 1. Transcript of Audio Clip on Shifting Use of Significant Identity Categories

Transcript of Audio Clip Recorded October 1, 2020

Angela Okune:

Savannah Fund came out of a moment, right, where it was like, in some ways, it was like, we need more local funding, like I think the call for “local,” i.e. African funding...Read more

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