Angela Okune

Angela Okune: Brief Bio

Angela Okune ( Twitter | Web ) is a doctoral student in the Anthropology Department at the University...Read more

Angela Okune: Brief Research Description

“Research for Africa”: Qualitative Data Sharing Cultures and Practices

This doctoral research project examines how qualitative research data is produced, shared, and contested by diverse research groups in Nairobi, Kenya. Despite decades of research aiming to solve Africa’s problems and...Read more

Blog post: "Understanding 'Foregoing' Behavior at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) in Kenya"

AO: This blog post was based on a World Bank-funded research project that iHub Research conducted in 2013. The project, which was awarded to iHub after a competitive tender, helped to boost iHub Research's reputation and establish the legitimacy of the work we were doing. This specific blog post...Read more

Angela Okune on the future directions of STS in Africa

Angela Okune (June 6, 2018): I think that future research related to science and technology in/from/on Africa should look at research infrastructures, that is, the technical, legal, political, economic and social infrastructures that have been and are being established to produce...Read more

PECE: Analytics, Structure, Discursive Risks & Motivations for Use

AO: These orals documents seek to understand the discursive risks (Fortun 2012) of relevant literatures for my project. How have scholars been thinking and writing about science and technology in Africa, collaboration, and investments into the African university?

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