Angela Okune

Fedha, N.W. 1972. "The Role of the Archives in Research." Conference Paper. Nairobi, Kenya.

AO: In February 2019, I came across this document written in 1972 by one of the early chief archivists of the Kenya National Archives (N.W. Fedha). The document outlines the early history of the Kenya National Archives as well as the rationale and motivation for its creation...Read more

Slides for Okune presentation to Stanford University STS

Here are the slides used to present to the STS graduate students at Stanford University on May 18, 2022.Read more

Elaborations, Methods, Reflections

AO: This exhibit focuses attention on sites and institutions which have been tasked to care for primary ethnographic materials, what I call elsewhere qualitative research data. Given the limited scope and time available, in this iteration of the exhibit, we were not able to follow the people who...Read more

PECE: Analytics, Structure, Discursive Risks & Motivations for Use

AO: These orals documents seek to understand the discursive risks (Fortun 2012) of relevant literatures for my project. How have scholars been thinking and writing about science and technology in Africa, collaboration, and investments into the African university?

...Read more

Angela Okune: Brief Research Description

“Research for Africa”: Qualitative Data Sharing Cultures and Practices

This doctoral research project examines how qualitative research data is produced, shared, and contested by diverse research groups in Nairobi, Kenya. Despite decades of research aiming to solve Africa’s problems and...Read more

STS in "Africa" Extended Narrative - PDF

Cite as:

Okune, Angela. 2018. "STS in “Africa”: Extended Narrative." In PhD Orals Document: Querying Science and Technology Studies in Africa, created by Angela Okune. PhD Orals Document. UC Irvine Anthropology. October.Read more

Okune. Sketch 7.

I have deployed an instance of open source software—the Platform for Experimental, Collaborative Ethnography—to draw research interlocutors into collaborative effort to understand and build...Read more

The name

In one of our strategy brainstorming sessions, we were advised by a well-intentioned American professor not to call what we were doing "research" because it would be held to particular (academic) standards and metrics that might not be appropriate for the work we were trying to do. The way I...Read more

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