Emily York and Shannon N. Conley, "Taking Undergrads to 4S", contributed by Emily York, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 31 August 2019, accessed 15 March 2025. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/taking-undergrads-4s
Critical Commentary
We brought undergraduate students to 4S for the first time at the 2017 meeting in Boston. Our students, Chase Collins and Charles Boyd, had been working with a large capstone group on prototyping an autonomous vehicle. Inspired by the opportunity to further engage the social contexts of AVs, they worked closely with Conley and York to explore how scenario analysis and design fiction could facilitate more critical interrogation of plausible futures related to AVs.
Their presentation was well received. The chair of the panel, Charles Garvey, wrote afterwards in his blog:
“My impression was…that undergraduates Charles Boyd and Chase Collins stole the show with their talk reflecting on their experiences in an integrated STEM program under the direction of Emily York. Their thoughtful account of the innovative pedagogy, laden with auto-ethnographic insight, gave me hope for the future of engineering, and would have made past 4S President Gary Downey weep with joy.”
(though only York was present at this conference, the students worked under the direction of both York and Conley)