The Transnational STS Network brings STS scholars together to theorize and practice “Transnational STS.” The Network is stewarded by the T-STS Design Group. Learn more about the Network here.
Discussion about the challenges and potentials of transnational STS really gained momentum at 4S Sydney in 2018, where TRANSnational STS was the conference theme and there was a special exhibit focused on STS Across Borders. The momentum continued through 4S New Orleans and the special exhibit focused on Innovating STS (which again focused on STS formations in a wide array of settings). In New Orleans, a lunchtime discussion focused on transnational STS was packed with people eager to take transnational STS in diverse directions. The T-STS Network was organized to sustain this momentum.
The Transnational STS Network is stewarded by the Transnational STS Design Group, which is basically responsible to develop methods and tactics to sustain the network in generative and meaningful ways. The digital platform PECE constitutes a decentralized working space for this network, and network members are largely connected via an email list.
The Transnational STS Network undertakes its activities through working groups and partner projects. Convenors of each working group decide on their workflows; share their work at the digital space, and annually report back to the network. Partners of this network are autonomous bodies, and engage with the network at different levels.
The TransAsiaSTS network seeks to promote scholarly exchanges and collaborations in the field of Science & Technology Studies across Asia, connecting STS institutions & societies in South/East/Southeast Asia, Australasia and the Pacific and those working beyond already existing infrastructures as well.
The aim of the Transnational STS Publishing Group is to strengthen the theory and practice of STS publishing through sustained dialogue and collaboration among STS editors and allies. The group brings together journal, book series, and blog editors, people developing new forms of STS publishing, and all interested in the design and politics of STS publishing. The group welcomes both experienced and emerging publishing practitioners. The Transnational STS Publishing Group is collaboratively convened by the Transnational STS Network and the Engaging Science, Technology and Society Editorial Collective.
The STS on Edge event series invites scholars in different localities -- especially those with nascent STS communities -- into dialogue with STS scholars from other places. The aim is to learn about STS-related problems in different places, how local scholars are involved in addressing them, and how the STS community can support their work. The series is designed to extend the scope of STS in ways that are decolonizing, democratizing and actively supportive of colleagues in especially challenging environments.
The Bibliodiversity Project of the T-STS Network contributes to the decolonization of STS by building a shared and accessible STS bibliography that actively works against knowledge imperialism and the dominance of EuroAmerican perspectives.
The September 24th meeting of the Transnational STS Network Publishing working group will discuss the double bind between credentialing scholarly work and pushing back against dominant paradigms of quantifying academic outputs. In this meeting, Leslie Chan, Noela Invernizzi, Aalok Khandekar, and Jason Jackson will share from decades of experiences working in and on open access scholarly publishing.
The April 26th meeting of the Transnational STS Network Publishing working group focused on the practices and politics of open access publication in STS. In this meeting, Leandro Rodriguez Medina shared the challenges and accomplishments of Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society, an open access peer-reviewed journal published in English by Routledge.
See (and ask to join) shared bibiography supporting discussions about Transnational STS. Read more