Reading list and syllabus for course titled 'Feminist Theory' that Keller taught in 1990 at UC Berkeley. Read more
Course taught by Evelyn Fox Keller at MIT in the Fall of 1985. Courtesy of the Schlesinger Library.Read more
The STS Pedagogies workshop panel "Making a case for ourselves" discussed writing workshops and courses as a boundary object for STS scholars institutionally. This is the syllabus of a writing and reflection-on-writing-using-STS course I co-taught, which others may find of interest for the...Read more
South–North migrations (and the so-called “brain drain”)
Babalchevski, Elizabeth, and Marques, Fabricio. 2009., “Fuga de cerebros en Brasil: los costos públicos del errado entendimiento de una realidad académica...Read more
Syllabus and notes from 'Issues of Gender in the History of Science' course taught by Evelyn Fox Keller at UC Berkeley in Fall 1989. Courtesy of the Schlesinger Library.
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