STS in Africa


AO: This blog post by Thomas Hervé Mboa Nkoudou reflects on some of the rich discussions that took place from May 6 - 10, 2018 in Dakar, Senegal on the theme: "Non-aligned Utopias: Digital Imaginaries." During the panel discussion, representatives of fab...Read more

4S 2018 Poster: iHub Research Build Lab

This poster series was created as part of  IHUB RESEARCH (2011 - 2017): A CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY ACTION RESEARCH GROUP WITHIN NAIROBI'S FLAGSHIP TECH INNOVATION HUB, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia. All posters...Read more

Sasso, Anne. 2007. “Jarita Holbrook: Guiding Star.” Science, June.

AO: This 2007 article that appeared in Science about Jarita Holbrook highlights her studies of indigenous African astronomy. Holbrook is quoted as saying: "There is a history of sky-watching all over the world, but the way that we teach astronomy is only Newton and Galileo and...Read more

Black Suns: An Astrophysics Adventure (2017).

Synopsis: " BLACK SUNS: AN ASTROPHYSICS ADVENTURE is a documentary about chasing eclipses and science dreams. It chronicles the lives of two globetrotting African American astrophysicists, Dr. Alphonse Sterling and Dr. Hakeem Oluseyi, as they follow the two solar eclipses that...Read more

Coban, Alev. 2018. “Making Hardware in Nairobi: Between Revolutionary Practices and Restricting Imaginations.” The Journal of Peer Production, no. 12 (July).

AO: In this 2018 paper by Alev Coban, she finds that despite the seemingly radical potential of technology "making" in the global South to shift global asymmetries of power, postcolonial power asymmetries persist in relations between Western investors and start-ups/makers, structured by a tech-...Read more

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