STS in Africa

Benton, Adia. 2017. “Ebola at a Distance: A Pathographic Account of Anthropology’s Relevance.” Anthropological Quarterly 90 (2): 495–524.

AO: This 2017 paper by Adia Benton she looks at the social production of “relevant” anthropological knowledge and its relationship to four forms of distance implicated in how anthropologists communicate relevance to each other and to others: physical, disciplinary, interpretive, and...Read more

Traynor, Cath, and Laura Foster. 2017. “Principles and Practice in Open Science: Addressing Power and Inequality through ‘Situated Openness.’” OCSDNET (blog). October 5, 2017.

AO: This blog post on the Open and Collaborative Science in Development Network (OCSDNet)'s blog looks at situated openness in South Africa and suggests that "Community-researcher contracts" could be a tool to enable local communities, in particular, indigenous peoples, to negotiate with...Read more

Chaudhury. 2018

This essay answers the analytic: "What events have marked the development of this STS formation?"Read more

4S 2018 Poster: STS in Africa Futures

This poster series was created as part of STS IN "AFRICA" IN FORMATION, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia. All posters in the STS in Africa poster series can be found ...Read more

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