
STS Trivial Pursuit: 1

This is one in a series of homemade STS trivial pursuit cards I made to engage undergraduate students in an introductory STS course. I bought a used Trivial Pursuit game for a few dollars, and then had to explain to most of my students how the game worked, but it was fun.Read more

The STS Futures Lab: A Space Proposal

In the 2018-19 year, the STS Futures Lab operated in a temporary, shared space. At the end of the academic year, we put together a space proposal articulating our need and justification for a dedicated space. This PDF is the space proposal we submitted. We were subsequently granted a dedicated...Read more

Image of the Scientist among High-School Students

Part of ScienceXPedagogy Archives

Written by Margaret Mead and Rhoda Metraux in 1957 for Science for a commissioned study by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) to understand...Read more

STS Trivial Pursuit: 2

This is one in a series of homemade STS trivial pursuit cards I made to engage undergraduate students in an introductory STS course. I bought a used Trivial Pursuit game for a few dollars, and then had to explain to most of my students how the game worked, but it was fun.Read more

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