
STS Trivial Pursuit: 3

This is one in a series of homemade STS trivial pursuit cards I made to engage undergraduate students in an introductory STS course. I bought a used Trivial Pursuit game for a few dollars, and then had to explain to most of my students how the game worked, but it was fun.Read more

Community Data Case Study Approach

"To imagine Community Data further meant imagining another kind of classroom as a data infrastructure, something that opened up the idea of the classroom - and campus - itself as Community...Read more

Visualizing and Engaging With STS Concepts

Philosophy of science diagram
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Philosophy of science diagram

Philosophy of Science Diagram

This diagram illustrates the relationship between some basic concepts in the (traditional) philosophy of science.

Governance of Science and Technology diagram

Governance of Science and Technology Diagram

This diagram illustrates the relationship between some basic concepts in the governance of science and technology.

Philosophy of science card showing Ludwig Fleck

Philosophy of Science Card: Fleck

This is one in a series of Philosophy of Science cards that I have used in discussion activities in class to help students engage with some philosophers of science and related concepts.

Philosophy of science card showing Thomas Kuhn

Philosophy of Science Card: Kuhn

This is one in a series of Philosophy of Science cards that I have used in discussion activities in class to help students engage with some philosophers of science and related concepts.

"Chinese Privilege": Teaching Race and Technology in Singapore

Monamie Bhadra Haines, Nanyang Technological University

What does it mean to teach undergraduates about race and technology in a Singaporean context where race is the veritable “superstructure” of society, with...Read more

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