
Daily Nation Interview with Mshai Mwangola: "Arts are an essential part of a holistic education, not just for a talented few"

In this interview with Kenyan newspaper, Daily Nation's DAISY OKOTI, Mshai Mwangola ties the importance of performing a story to intellectually engaging with any idea. She states: "Stories are a prism through which we are able to abstract, reflect, and collectively think through the...Read more

Government of Kenya. 1938. McMillan Memorial Library. Cap. 217.

AO: This is the McMillan Memorial Library Act which enacted and has protected the McMillan library since 1938. I have merged the original legal documents available for download at the same source into one PDF document which includes amendments made in 1964 and 2012 to the original 1938...Read more

National Archive as the store of the country's history

Chief Archivist of the Kenya National Archives, N.W. Fedha (1972) wrote :

The National Archives is really a store of all the history of this country. A country without history is like a tree without roots. But then how can a country hope to preserve its history...Read more

Gregory, Robert. 1984. “The Development of the Eastern Africa Collection at Syracuse University.” The Courier, October.

AO: This article by Robert Gregory was linked to from the Syracuse Libraries website as providing more context for how Syracuse University came to hold the microfilm collection of/for the Kenya National Archives.

Abstract: "With the...Read more

2020 Dec 7. Transcript of Audio Clip on What Counts as "Technical."

Transcript of Audio Clip Recorded December 7, 2020

Angela Okune:

I can start with the technical education since I'll probably draw from the post that I wrote kitambo [a long time ago] and like pull from other stuff. I think what's really interesting about the...Read more

2020 Nov 30. Transcript of an Audio Clip on the Narratives of Kenyan Entrepreneurship

Transcript of Audio Clip Recorded November 30, 2020

Angela Okune:

One thing that's important to me is the narrative of entrepreneurship and the fact that it's, you know, it's good for the government, for example, to push entrepreneurship, because if every...Read more

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