iHub Research

Medium post: "iHub Research: The Big Picture"

AO: This post, published in March 2016 via Medium was part of the iQuarterly publication by iHub Research and sheds insight on the rationale behind the major topics of work undertaken by iHub Research.Read more

4S 2018 Poster: iHub Research External Conditions

This poster series was created as part of  IHUB RESEARCH (2011 - 2017): A CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY ACTION RESEARCH GROUP WITHIN NAIROBI'S FLAGSHIP TECH INNOVATION HUB, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia. All posters...Read more

4S 2018 Poster: iHub Research Education

This poster series was created as part of  IHUB RESEARCH (2011 - 2017): A CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY ACTION RESEARCH GROUP WITHIN NAIROBI'S FLAGSHIP TECH INNOVATION HUB, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia. All posters...Read more

Final Report: Uchaguzi Kenya 2013

AO: This project related to our broader work looking at the use of ICTs as part of Kenyan elections (e.g. Umati). Our close relationship with Ushahidi and their election-specific project, Uchaguzi made it easier for us to gain access to many of the various process meetings, and interview the...Read more

Ndaiga, Wachira, and Anne Salim. 2015. “Kids Hacker Camps in Kenya: Hardware Hacking Effectiveness in Skills Transfer.” In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, 52:1–52:4. ICTD ’

Abstract: " Hardware hacking involves modifying hardware (not limited to computers) to expand its capabilities. The iHub Kids Hacker Camps (KHC) have been run successively for over 17 months. KHC was initiated and developed in the spirit of project based learning to encourage kids and...Read more

Blog post: "3Vs Crowdsourcing Framework for Elections launched"

AO: This blog post includes links to all outputs.Read more

Blog post: "Roundtable Discussion on Mobile Usage at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP)"

AO: This blog post is an event announcing a roundtable with tech entrepreneurs to discuss how the research work on mobile phone usage at the base of the pyramid might be relevant for them. This was an important component of the dissemination because part of the intention behind iHub Research was...Read more

Umati Report: July - Sept 2013

AO: This artifact is one of the reports from the first phase of Umati.Read more

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