ESTS Data Availability Statement Guidance for 6S Sketch Prompt

Engaging Science, Technology, and Society Journal

Data Availability Statement Guidance

Version 2.0 - Last Updated: March 10, 2022

If you are submitting source data to Engaging...Read more

STS @ ITU (2000-2006): Beginnings

The first Master’s Degree program in “Science, Technology, and Society” was launched in 2000 under the Institute of Social Sciences at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) in Turkey. The program was jointly administered with the European Inter-University...Read more

2020 Nov 30. Transcript of an Audio Clip on the Narratives of Kenyan Entrepreneurship

Transcript of Audio Clip Recorded November 30, 2020

Angela Okune:

One thing that's important to me is the narrative of entrepreneurship and the fact that it's, you know, it's good for the government, for example, to push entrepreneurship, because if every...Read more

2020 DEC 7. Transcript of Audio Clip on Government and Funder Agendas

Transcript of Audio Clip Recorded December 7, 2020

Leo Mutuku:

So when I was thinking about government, I was thinking about the actual, even in just budgetary allocations, regardless of where the money is coming from, like the investment in the fiber optic...Read more

STS @ ITU (2000-2006): Topics

The topic of the Second Semester Specialisation Program was “Building and Maintaining Life in Development Process” and the program offered the following courses in modules:

1. Module: Non -Western Modernities

(...Read more

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