ITU STS Program

This is an essay written by Prof. Hacer Ansal in Turkish. Prof. Ansal established the first STS MA program at a Turkish university (Istanbul Technical University) back in 2000. In the digital collection "...Read more

Story of the Stories for Nuclear Alla Turca

An essay written by Maral Erol, which reflects on the video interview she and Aybike Alkan conducted with Can Candan as part of the "Innovating STS in Turkey...Read more

Figure S1: Briefing about BCIs

In the study by Sample et al. (2022), most rehabilitation professionals reported that they had little or no prior knowledge of brain-computer interfaces. For this reason, the specific wording used to introduce brain-computer interfaces, as well as the wording of subsequent question about ethics...Read more

STS @ ITU (2000-2006): Conditions

Once we excavated the archives, we observed that STS formation in ITU (2000-2006) was influenced by multiple factors, some of which are listed below.

Integration of Turkey...Read more

Latin American STS Agendas: Main Bibliographic References

South–North migrations (and the so-called “brain drain”)

Babalchevski, Elizabeth, and Marques, Fabricio. 2009., “Fuga de cerebros en Brasil: los costos públicos del errado entendimiento de una realidad académica...Read more

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