Data Availability Statement for "Teaching the Politics of Numbers with EthnoData"

The poster provided as source data is the "Sample clues from a digital scavenger hunt in EthnoData." These clues were used by a team of researchers from Kaleidos, University of Cuenca, during a virtual class taught online during the Covid-19 pandemic in December of 2020.

This document is...Read more

Table S2: Full item wording

In the study by Sample et al. (2022), most rehabilitation professionals reported that they had little or no prior knowledge of brain-computer interfaces. For this reason, the specific wording used to introduce brain-computer interfaces, as well as the wording of subsequent question about ethics...Read more

2020 Oct 1. Transcript of Audio Clip on Key Legislation influencing Kenyan Tech

Transcript of Audio Clip Recorded October 1, 2020

Leonida Mutuku:

I think the foundation of tech in Nairobi was I.T. You know, it's always interesting when people are like, Oh, so you're in I.T.? And I'm like, I'm not. Like, I.T. sounds...Read more

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