By characterizing capture as entailing both by relations of connection and relations of disconnection, Whitehead avoids the pitfall of understanding “the act of capture as a relation between two individuals already constituted before the capture itself,” where one party would become...Read more
The first Master’s Degree program in “Science, Technology, and Society” was launched in 2000 under the Institute of Social Sciences at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) in Turkey. The program was jointly administered with the European Inter-University...Read more
Working with participants in the "STS as a Critical Pedagogy" online workshop during the summer of 2021, it was exciting to imagine the different ways we might use the STS Infrastructures platform to extend conversations about STS pedagogies and to share materials that were emerging in the...Read more
Summary of Source Material As discussed in our main study text, our findings are tied closely to the context of the study itself. Most rehabilitation professionals reported that they had little or no prior knowledge of brain-computer interfaces. For this reason, the specific...Read more
A broad movement in the scholarly community is pushing towards data sharing or “Open Data,” particularly in the natural sciences and medicine. Recognizing that there are compelling reasons why scholars in STS and related fields are wary of data sharing and careful to protect their work,...Read more
The poster provided as source data is the "Sample clues from a digital scavenger hunt in EthnoData." These clues were used by a team of researchers from Kaleidos, University of Cuenca, during a virtual class taught online during the Covid-19 pandemic in December of 2020.
This document is...Read more
ESTS developed two supporting documents to be completed by contributors interested in submitting their source data for publication by ESTS, this Data Publication Agreement and a Data Availability Statement guidance. This Data Publication Agreement explicitly lays...Read more