ESTS Redesign Scoping Document

This artifact compiles research conducted and key insights gained by the Editorial Collective of ESTS journal. This research has supported the website redesign, content managements system upgrade, and the ongoing digital and social infrastructuring of the journal. The research was compiled by...Read more

Story of the Stories for Nuclear Alla Turca

An essay written by Maral Erol, which reflects on the video interview she and Aybike Alkan conducted with Can Candan as part of the "Innovating STS in Turkey...Read more

Data Availability Statement for "BECOMING AN AFRICAN TECHPRENEUR"

For the development of this writing, we leveraged an autoethnographic approach, using our writing process as a primary means of inquiry. We (Angela Okune and Leonida Mutuku) have been close friends since 2010 when we began to work as colleagues at the iHub. When offered the opportunity to re-...Read more

2020 DEC 7. Transcript of Audio Clip on Government and Funder Agendas

Transcript of Audio Clip Recorded December 7, 2020

Leo Mutuku:

So when I was thinking about government, I was thinking about the actual, even in just budgetary allocations, regardless of where the money is coming from, like the investment in the fiber optic...Read more

Appendix B: Interview Schedule

This document includes all three interview schedules, focused on participants' experience in the course.

Find the other data linked here and further details...Read more

TEKPOL: Conditions

1990s in the World and in Turkey

The following developments highlighted below shed light on the external conditions affecting the establishment of TEKPOL through the end of the 1990s:


Transcript of Audio Clip Recorded December 7, 2020

Leo Mutuku:

No, no, no, like, TVETs [Technical Vocational Education and Training colleges] have gone through like these periods of importance and emphasis and that's important to emphasize....Read more

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