ESTS Data Availability Statement Guidance for 6S Sketch Prompt

Engaging Science, Technology, and Society Journal

Data Availability Statement Guidance

Version 2.0 - Last Updated: March 10, 2022

If you are submitting source data to Engaging...Read more

Appendix A: Course Outline and Readings

The documents includes a detailed schedule of each of the classes during the semester, the dates on which they happened, the in-class activities, assignments, readings, and preparation required for each class. It also includes a description of the assignments and course readings....Read more

EU/ WHO Mission to Review the Exit Screening Measures at International Airports in Conakry, Freetown and Monrovia 2014

This is a summary technical report produced by The European Commission and World Health Organization. The report is used as primary material for the article "Inequality in the Governance of Pandemic Threat," by Jose Cañada and Satu...Read more

Data Availability Statement for "Ecuadorian STS: Imaginaries, Institutions and Place"

In compliance with the principles of promoting transparency, reproducibility and open science practices I provide the following Data Availability Statement for my article titled “Chakana and Thirdspace: Engaging Ecuadorian STS in Places of Knowledge Coproduction” to be published in Engaging...Read more

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