STS @ ITU (2000-2006): Beginnings

The first Master’s Degree program in “Science, Technology, and Society” was launched in 2000 under the Institute of Social Sciences at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) in Turkey. The program was jointly administered with the European Inter-University...Read more

Attunements to Fog

By characterizing capture as entailing both by relations of connection and relations of disconnection, Whitehead avoids the pitfall of understanding “the act of capture as a relation between two individuals already constituted before the capture itself,” where one party would become...Read more

ESTS Data Availability Statement Guidance

ESTS developed two supporting documents to be completed by contributors interested in submitting their source data for publication by ESTS, this Data Availability Statement guidance and a Data Publication Agreement template. The Data Availability Statement is a means to...Read more

Justification note by Hasan Ünal Nalbantoğlu

A note written by the sociologist Hasan Ünal Nalbantoğlu regarding why the center for science and technology policies needs to be established at the Middle East Technical University (27 October 1995) [text marked by Duygu Kaşdoğan].

This document is included in the analysis of the...Read more

STS in Japan and East Asia: Governance of Science and Technology and Public Engagement

This 2009 article by Yuko Fujigaki describes the development of Japanese STS from the 1980s up to the planning processes for the 2010 4S Meeting in Tokyo. The article also focuses on analyzing historical case studies (Minamata disease, itai-itai disease, the Monju nuclear power plant incidents)...Read more

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