4S 2020

About 6S

The Society for Social Studies of Science Student Section (6S) exists to facilitate interactions among students and early career scholars in science and technology studies and to promote their interests within 4S. 6S serves...Read more


Shubh Gupta

JNU | CSSP | AI & Society

I am PhD student at Jawaharlal Nehru University in Centre for Studies in Science Policy. I studied Engineering in Computer Science branch from National Institute of...Read more

Index of 6S 2020 Workshop Sketches

Participants in the 6S 2020 Workshop will work in advance on a series of research sketches that will be shared in our digital workspace, at https://stsinfrastructures.org/ . After sketches are submitted , peers will provide...Read more

Dan Santos Collaboration Bio

My name is Dan and I am a PhD candidate in human geography at Clark University, USA. Broadly, I am interested in examining the spatial, material, and political-economic dynamics of scientific and technological innovation, and the prospects for more open and democratic forms and spaces of...Read more

Okune. Sketch 3.

  • method / activities: One on one interviews
  • data type: (1) audio recording; (2) textual transcript; (3) handwritten jottings
  • preservation: all data to be
  • ...Read more

Dan Santos

  • deutero [reflective/learning capacity]: How are people and organizations denoting and worrying about the phenomena you study?

In my dissertation, I am interested...Read more

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