Aimé Dafon Segla

Aimé Dafon Sègla, docteur en histoire et philosophie des sciences et techniques, Paris7-CNRS, études en anthropologie de la connaissance dans les cultures non occidentales au Max-Planck Institute, Martin-Luther University et Université du Bénin. Ingénieur de formation, Aimé D. Sègla est à la fois chercheur et consultant indépendant, Paris.

Aimé Dafon Sègla (PhD in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Paris7-CNRS) works on the anthropology of knowledge in non-Western cultures at Max-Planck Institute, Martin-Luther University and University of Benin. Trained as an engineer, Aimé D. Sègla is both researcher and independent consultant in Paris.

This PECE essay helps to answer the STS Across Borders analytic question: “What people, projects, and products exemplify how this STS formation has developed over time?”

This essay highlights prominant and upcoming individuals working on critical science and technology issues in Africa and is part of a broader exhibit on "STS in Africa."


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Created date

July 17, 2018

Cite as

Angela Okune. 17 July 2018, "Aimé Dafon Segla", STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 8 August 2018, accessed 4 March 2025.é-dafon-segla