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Letts, William J., Steve Fifield, Amy E. Slaton, Erin A. Cech, and Donna M. Riley. "Yearning, Learning, and Earning: The Gritty Ontologies of American Engineering Education." In Cultural and historical perspectives on science education, 319-340. Leiden ; Boston: Brill Sense, 2019.
Letts, William J., Steve Fifield, Amy E. Slaton, Erin A. Cech, and Donna M. Riley. "Yearning, Learning, and Earning: The Gritty Ontologies of American Engineering Education." In Cultural and historical perspectives on science education, 319-340. Leiden ; Boston: Brill Sense, 2019.
Letts, William J., Steve Fifield, Amy E. Slaton, Erin A. Cech, and Donna M. Riley. "Yearning, Learning, and Earning: The Gritty Ontologies of American Engineering Education." In Cultural and historical perspectives on science education, 319-340. Leiden ; Boston: Brill Sense, 2019.
Letts, William J., Steve Fifield, Amy E. Slaton, Erin A. Cech, and Donna M. Riley. "Yearning, Learning, and Earning: The Gritty Ontologies of American Engineering Education." In Cultural and historical perspectives on science education, 319-340. Leiden ; Boston: Brill Sense, 2019.