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Tomblin, David, and Nicole Mogul. "STS Postures: responsible innovation and research in undergraduate STEM education." Journal of Responsible Innovation 7, no. sup1: 117-127.
Tomblin, David, and Nicole Mogul. "STS Postures: responsible innovation and research in undergraduate STEM education." Journal of Responsible Innovation 7, no. sup1: 117-127.
Tomblin, David, and Nicole Mogul. "STS Postures: responsible innovation and research in undergraduate STEM education." Journal of Responsible Innovation 7, no. sup1: 117-127.
Tomblin, David, and Nicole Mogul. "STS Postures: responsible innovation and research in undergraduate STEM education." Journal of Responsible Innovation 7, no. sup1: 117-127.
Tomblin, David, and Nicole Mogul. "STS Postures: responsible innovation and research in undergraduate STEM education." Journal of Responsible Innovation 7, no. sup1: 117-127.
Tomblin, David, and Nicole Mogul. "STS Postures: responsible innovation and research in undergraduate STEM education." Journal of Responsible Innovation 7, no. sup1: 117-127.
Tomblin, David, and Nicole Mogul. "STS Postures: responsible innovation and research in undergraduate STEM education." Journal of Responsible Innovation 7, no. sup1: 117-127.
Tousignant, Noémi. Edges of exposure: toxicology and the problem of capacity in postcolonial Senegal In Experimental futures. Durham: Duke University Press, 2018.
Tousignant, Noémi. "Broken tempos: Of means and memory in a Senegalese university laboratory." Social Studies of Science 43, no. 5: 729-753.
Traub, James. Class Struggle.
Traweek, Sharon. "Unity, Dyads, Triads, Quads, and Complexity: Cultural Choreographies of Science." Social Text, no. 46/47 (1996): 129-139.
Traweek, Sharon. "An Introduction to Cultural and Social Studies of Sciences and Technologies." Culture, Medicine And Psychiatry 17, no. 1 (1993): 3-25.
Trifonas, Peter Pericles. Revolutionary Pedagogies: Cultural Politics, Instituting Education, and the Discourse of Theory. Psychology Press, 2000.
Tsukahara, Togo. "Introduction (2): Japanese STS in Global, East Asian, and Local Contexts." East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal 4, no. 1 (2010): 123-127.
Tsukahara, Togo. "Introduction (1): Japanese STS in Global, East Asian, and Local Contexts." East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal 3, no. 4 (2009): 505-509.
Turnbull, David. Maps are Territories: Science is an Atlas. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press, 1994.
Tutton, Richard. "Book Review: Melinda Cooper and Catherine Waldby, Clinical Labor: Tissue Donors and Research Subjects in the Global Bioeconomy." Journal of Sociology 51, no. 1 (2015): 116-118.
Vallejo, Pedro, and Vincent Werito. Transforming Diné Education: Innovations in Pedagogy and Practice. University of Arizona Press, 2022.
Varughese, Shiju Sam, Tereza Kuldova, and Mathew A. Varghese. "Cities of Neoliberal Future: Urban Utopia in Indian Science Fiction Cinema." In Palgrave Studies in Urban Anthropology, 97-115. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Varughese, Shiju Sam. "Media and Science in Disaster Contexts: Deliberations on Earthquakes in the Regional Press in Kerala, India." Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science 5, no. 1.
Varughese, Shiju Sam. Contested Knowledge: Science, Media, and Democracy in Kerala. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Varughese, Shiju Sam. "The public life of expertise." Seminar 654 (2014).
