Linda Huber Annotations

Visualizing "the Point" of the Project (

Sunday, August 9, 2020 - 3:37pm

dark colors, painting of a woman and a computer

This image and it's colors conveys some of the isolation of teletherapy, but the fullness of the woman's body also conveys the different things that she is trying to think about or address (e.g., piecework, care work, different clients).

paint imprint of woman's body with drawn plants flowing from her head

This image I think conveys the sense of the bodily and emotional labor of therapy and the reproductive labor many therapists do on the side. There is a sense of heaviness from the body but a sense of lightness from the flowers flowing from the head which remind me of this idea of "freedom, flexibility and flow" which are in theory what many women are trying to achieve through doing teletherapy platform work.

High contrast photo of a white woman drinking a cocktail on a pink hammock, face blocked out by a yellow circle

This is an edited version of an image of a therapist/career coach for teletherapists named Amber Lyda. Her motto is "freedom flexibility flow", and this image I think conveys the highly aspirational, women-entrepreneur image of the teletherapist.

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