
Angela Okune Collaboration Bio

Angela Okune

Code for Science and Society

From 2015 - 2021, I studied data practices and infrastructures of research groups working in and on Nairobi, Kenya in order to explore broader questions of equity, knowledge production...Read more

6S 2020: Who is Participating?

AO: This gives aggregated responses from some of the workshop registration questions in order to get a better sense of the kinds of participants who registered for this year's workshop.Read more

6S Workshop Code of Conduct

For the 6S virtual workshop, we are utilizing the following code of conduct for online workshops and conferences developed by Eleanor Armstrong and Divya M. Persaud (both University College London), and originally used at the...Read more

Nima Madjzubi "collaboration bio"

Nima Madjzubi

Goethe Universität Frankfurt Institute of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology

I am a MA STS student at Goethe Universität Frankfurt. I studied Cognitive Neuroscience...Read more

Kim Fernandes Collaboration Bio

Kim Fernandes

University of Pennsylvania, Education and Anthropology

I am a joint doctoral student in Education and Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. I am currently located in Delhi, India. I am interested in how disabled bodies come...Read more

6S 2020 Workshop Collaborative Notes Documents

To facilitate documentation of the 6S 2020 workshop sessions, we have established one collaborative notes document per sketch. At the beginning of your session, please assign at least one person...Read more

Jonathan Wald Collaboration Bio

Hi, I'm Jonathan Wald (he/him), a Ph.D. candidate in anthropology at McGill University. From 2017 to 2018, I worked with a team of climate scientists advising the government of the southeastern Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. I’m interested in how traditional notions of science,...Read more

About 6S

The Society for Social Studies of Science Student Section (6S) exists to facilitate interactions among students and early career scholars in science and technology studies and to promote their interests within 4S. 6S serves...Read more

Across Scales and Systems

deutero [reflective/learning capacity]: How are people and organizations denoting and worrying about the phenomena you study?
The...Read more

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