
Nima Madjzubi "collaboration bio"

Nima Madjzubi

Goethe Universität Frankfurt Institute of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology

I am a MA STS student at Goethe Universität Frankfurt. I studied Cognitive Neuroscience...Read more

6S Workshop Code of Conduct

For the 6S virtual workshop, we are utilizing the following code of conduct for online workshops and conferences developed by Eleanor Armstrong and Divya M. Persaud (both University College London), and originally used at the...Read more

Index of 6S 2020 Workshop Sketches

Participants in the 6S 2020 Workshop will work in advance on a series of research sketches that will be shared in our digital workspace, at https://stsinfrastructures.org/ . After sketches are submitted , peers will provide...Read more

Okune. Sketch 3.

  • method / activities: One on one interviews
  • data type: (1) audio recording; (2) textual transcript; (3) handwritten jottings
  • preservation: all data to be
  • ...Read more

Dan Santos Collaboration Bio

My name is Dan and I am a PhD candidate in human geography at Clark University, USA. Broadly, I am interested in examining the spatial, material, and political-economic dynamics of scientific and technological innovation, and the prospects for more open and democratic forms and spaces of...Read more

Angela Okune Collaboration Bio

Angela Okune

Code for Science and Society

From 2015 - 2021, I studied data practices and infrastructures of research groups working in and on Nairobi, Kenya in order to explore broader questions of equity, knowledge production...Read more

About 6S 2022 Sketch Groups

An initiative of the Student Section of the Society for the Social Studies of Science (6S) , the 6S Sketch Groups are a new year-long program organized around research exercises focused on themes of shared interest of participants.

What...Read more


Shubh Gupta

JNU | CSSP | AI & Society

I am PhD student at Jawaharlal Nehru University in Centre for Studies in Science Policy. I studied Engineering in Computer Science branch from National Institute of...Read more

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