prerna_srigyan Annotations

How is analytic pluralism leveraged, questioned, or constrained in this pedagogy?

Monday, August 7, 2023 - 5:36pm

One way that the editors leverage analytic pluralism is by expanding the notion of case studies into different types, such as historical, experimental design, ethical, societal, media. This helps students to broaden and complicate their notions of scientific method and scientific work. 

The case studies are written in a compelling and easy-to-read style, with discussion questions as guided interruptions for sense-making. 

One way that the editors discourage analytic pluralism is by grounding their science pedagogy within the skeptic and rationalist style of scientific thought, which promotes an aggressive and confrontational view of the scientific method. 

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What genre forms populate this pedagogy?

Monday, August 7, 2023 - 4:55pm

The book contains more than thirty case studies, or "science stories".  They are usually introduced in parts, in vein with the "interrupted case method" of progressive disclosure of information and evidence. Each part ends with discussion questions. The case studies included in this volume are newspaper articles, university press releases, hypothetical scenarios, and brief non-fiction style stories. 

The case studies are cateogorized into five types:

  • historical cases: to teach students that accumulated information is non-linear and messy; e.g. story of Hungarian physicist Ignaz Semmelweis who argued that the germ theory of disease was responsible for high maternal mortality rates but was met with skepticism. 
  • experimental design cases: to teach students about the complexity of the scientific method and about scientists as complex people by working in small groups e.g. PCBs in Alaska lakes. 
  • unusual claims cases: to teach students the value of skepticism and debunking "pseudocscientific" claims, e.g. ESP, acupuncture, prayer studies. 
  • science and society cases: to teach students that science is not done in a vaccuum, e.g. space exploration, medical marijuana, vaccination. 
  • media cases: to teach students about media literacy and how science can be shaped by public response, e.g. MMR vaccine and autism. 
  • ethical cases: to teach students about the self-correcting nature of science and to prepare for complex problem-solving e.g. racial bias in Tuskegee, human cloning etc. 

Besides division into these sub-genres, each case study is accompanied by teaching notes, which have introduction and background, objectives, discussion questions, student misconceptions, and classroom management techniques. 

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What questions and concerns do you have as you analyze this pedagogy?

Sunday, August 6, 2023 - 10:49pm
  • What political economic and historical conditions galvanized research into effectiveness of lecture-based science instruction?
  • How did the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCTS) become defunct? And how did they partner with NSTA to host their teaching resources?
  • How has skepticism informed science pedagogy? (cue Carl Sagan, mythbusters, Richard Dawkins etc). Under what historical and political conditions did skepticism emerge and was considered valuable? What were and are its exclusions?
  • The editors cite Matt Ridley's horrible 2010 op-ed in the Wall Street Journal about the superiority of homo sapiens vs neanderthals. Ridley is a conservative British politician, a hereditary peer, and a well-established climate change skeptic. See his exposure by Desmog: Elsewhere, the case studies written by editors point to the public concern over dioxin exposure as a "cultural paradigm", and evaluate EPA's decision to relocate homes as less than a careful decision. 
  • In their evaluation of science as self-correcting, the editors evoke mildly eugenicist framing, e.g. using Darwinian evolutionism to protray science as self-correcting ("robust ideas have long-term survival), and this very concerning phrase, "public health officials have brought sanitation, vaccines, and medicines to the world, only to see the world’s population explode and, with it, increased famine." Elsewhere, trade and urbanization are stated as more valuable than governments, money, or genius, for innovation. 
  • Editors' concept of the relationship between science as ethics is also concerning. On one hand, scientists are framed as just any kind of human, only with a special skill set. On the other, science is held as constantly pushing the ethical frontiers of science, be it with good or bad effects. 
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What strategies and tactics of learning and teaching are considered useful, appropriate, or relevant in this pedagogy?

Sunday, August 6, 2023 - 10:34pm

The editors favor the "interrupted case method" to teach case studies as science stories. This involves hypothesis building with limited information and self-correcting when faced with additional evidence. 

Elaboration: "The method begins when the teacher gives students (ideally working in groups) a problem faced by real researchers. The teacher asks the students to come up with a tentative approach to solving the problem. After students work for about 15 minutes, the professor asks them to report their thoughts. Then the teacher provides some additional information about the problem saying that the real scientists who struggled with the problem decided to do it in a certain way. The professor tells of additional difficulties and asks students to brainstorm solutions. Again, they report after discussions." p. 23 

Good case study teaching would encourage teamwork and accountability. 

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What models of teaching and learning does this pedagogy build on and advance?

Sunday, August 6, 2023 - 10:31pm
  • The editors favor Carl Sagan's 1995 essay "A Dragon in My Garage" to teach about the concept of falsifiability in science as something that distinguishes it as a special way of knowing. 
  • Lave and Wenger's notions of legitimate peripheral participation is used to advance the concept of "cognitive apprenticeship" as an idealized learner.
  • Education research illustrating lecture as a non-preferable method to teach science (because it does not mimic science)
  • Understanding science project:

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Who is imagined as the ideal learner or teacher in this pedagogy?

Sunday, August 6, 2023 - 10:25pm

The pedagogy described here would hold teachers who are not solely relying on the lecture method to teach scientific ideas and conduct scientific investigations with their students, and who are able to relay to students that science is a complex, messy, non-linear, historical, and social process. The ideal teacher would be able to reorganize their teaching and their classroom to be responsive to active learning strategies. 

The ideal learner would be receptive to skepticism and in their future professional lives, be able to call baloney, since skepticism is held in this pedagogy as a singular trait of "smart people". The ideal learner would also be able to reflect and make decisions about "real-world" problems, able to evaluate contradictory and competing evidence. 

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What subject formation(s) does this pedagogy participate in?

Sunday, August 6, 2023 - 10:21pm

The case study pedagogy advanced in this book aims to reproduce scientists by mimicking the authentic way that science happens and how scientists actually work. Their understanding of the scientific method expands on a linear model by bringing in the notions that scientists work in a community and that science has societal consequences; this "complex science" flowchart is a reference. Further, the humaneness of scientists is emphasized. More specifically, this pedagogy advances the notions of:

  • cognitive apprenticeship“the role of the learner as a “cognitive apprentice” who gains knowledge through imitation and practice in cooperative, authentic activities, entering at the periphery of the community and gradually becoming more active and engaged" p. 32
  • scientifically literate persons: "Literate individuals must be able to use scientific information appropriately to make wise choices and effectively solve problems they encounter in life. They must be able to make well informed judgments about the reliability and accuracy of scientific information that is presented to them. People who are scientifically literate do not simply provide information about scientific concepts in a quiz-show context. Scientifically literate individuals must use science skillfully while working through the often complex thinking tasks encountered in both their personal and professional lives” p. 27
  • ideal critical thinker "is habitually inquisitive, well-informed, trustful of reason, open-minded, flexible, fair-minded in evaluation, honest in facing personal biases, prudent in making judgments, willing to reconsider, clear about issues, orderly in complex matters, diligent in seeking relevant information, reasonable in the selection of criteria, focused in inquiry, and persistent in seeking results which are as precise as the subject and the circumstances of inquiry permit” p. 25

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What habits, styles, and collectives does this pedagogy engender?

Sunday, August 6, 2023 - 10:09pm

Editors argue that case studies:

  • enable students to become problem-solvers about real-world decisions 
  • engender skepticism: editors qualify this as a singular trait that all "smart people" share, defined as the ability to ask for evidence before reaching a conclusion
  • develop capacity to see multiple ways of addressing a problem
  • promote critical thinking: "purposeful, self-regulatory judgment which results in interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference, as well as explanation of the evidential, conceptual, methodological, criteriological, or contextual considerations upon which that judgment is based.” p. 25
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What interventions, if any, are proposed by this pedagogy? At what scale are those interventions proposed?

Sunday, August 6, 2023 - 10:02pm

The case study pedagogy intervenes in the perceived lacunae in training students to be critical thinkers and in "traditional science education" that relies on lectures and perfunctory lab experiments. Instead, a host of more "active" learning tactics are proposed, such as small-group learning, peer learning, collective feedback, etc.

These interventions are imagined to occur at the classroom level for students and at the teacher education and professional development level for teachers. 

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How does this pedagogy distinguish science as a special way of knowing?

Sunday, August 6, 2023 - 9:55pm

The editors of this book define science and distinguish it from other ways of knowing using the following arguments:

  • "People ask questions and make guesses all the time. But few of us ever do much testing and retesting to see if the data we collect are consistent with our hypotheses. This single feature is the essence of the scientific enterprise and the essence of critical thinking in science." p. viii
  • “We want students to recognize how the discoveries and failures of science can affect the general public. We want them to know how results can be manipulated, distorted, and reinterpreted by folks with different experiences and agendas. We deeply care about ethical concerns. We want scientists to keep their part of the bargain to follow the canons and traditions of the discipline. We want students to know how changing social mores can force a reinterpretation of what is ethical. We want them to learn how our technological tours de force have created new ethical dilemmas that future generations must solve." p. xi
  • “Students are asked to consider if the effect of prayer is a valid area for science to investigate. Is the hypothesis testable and falsifiable? Can science study the effects of other than natural causes? How are the current public misconceptions of science responsible for the endorsement of this type of research? The case opens up a lively discussion of the differences between science and religion, which is useful later in the semester during the evolution discussion." p. 18
  •  “What makes scientists different is that they vigorously and systematically test their ideas, repeating that process over and over again to seek generalizations about how the physical world is constructed” p. 81 
  • "Only the most robust ideas have any chance of long-term survival. It is a Darwinian process. Science is self-correcting." p. 267

In summary, the editors discern science as a way of knowing by pointing to its "self-correcting" nature. See this checklist that Understanding Science project has developed to determine if an idea can be examined using science. 

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