My name is Dan and I am a PhD candidate in human geography at Clark University, USA. Broadly, I am interested in examining the spatial, material, and political-economic dynamics of scientific and technological innovation, and the prospects for more open and democratic forms and spaces of...Read more
I’m an assistant professor in Anthropology at the University of Oslo and co-founder of Kaleidos-Center for Interdisciplinary Ethnography at the University of Cuenca -Ecuador, where I am a visiting professor.
I work across economic, political and medical anthropology exploring the...Read more
Participants in the 6S 2020 Workshop will work in advance on a series of research sketches that will be shared in our digital workspace, at . After sketches are submitted , peers will provide...Read more
Hi, I'm Jonathan Wald (he/him), a Ph.D. candidate in anthropology at McGill University. From 2017 to 2018, I worked with a team of climate scientists advising the government of the southeastern Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. I’m interested in how traditional notions of science,...Read more
My name is Linda Huber, and I am a PhD student at the University of Michigan School of Information. I am currently working on a research project about online therapy gig workers (e.g. for websites like Talkspace and Betterhelp), and how working as platform-based gig workers impacts...Read more
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When we try to see something beyond? when we are already in that space and want to explore things beyond.
While working with the Reang tribe in Tripura, India. I realized that their language...Read more
AO: This essay is required reading for the sketch on Habits, Neuroses, Talents as part of the 6S 2020 workshop.Read more