
Learning to read while reading to learn: Marcius Willson’s basal readers, science education, and object teaching, 1860–1890


The essay discusses innovations in reading education by the schoolbook author Marcius Willson (1813-1905) through an examination of two popular series of basal readers he produced during and after the

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Examples of the power of publishing source data

Here are two provacative examples of publishing source data sets, one set by journalists and another by historians: 

Example 1: Following the take-over of the US Capital on Jan 6, 2021, Pro-...Read more

Slavery, market censorship and US antebellum schoolbook publishing


"This paper explores the representation and non-representation of slavery in US school textbooks from the late eighteenth century to the beginning of the US Civil War. It reviews the major readers, almost

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T-STS Publishing Oct 30, 2020 Meeting: Conceptualizing, Financing and Infrastructuring Open Access in STS Work

Conceptualizing, Financing and Infrastructuring Open Access in STS Work

Transnational STS Publishing Working Group | T-STS Network

October 30, 2020...Read more

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