PhD orals docs

Angela Okune's Orals Documents in Brief

This essay is part of three orals documents submitted by University of California, Irvine Anthropology doctoral student Angela Okune i n partial fulfillment of her requirements for...Read more

PhD Orals at UCI Anthro

When a student begins a graduate program, s/he is not yet a candidate for a graduate degree. According to the UC Irvine Graduate Division website , t o become a...Read more

STS in "Africa" Extended Narrative

Scholars working on Science and Technology in Africa have worked on a wide range of projects related to cultural astronomy ( Holbrook ; ...Read more

Content Bibliography: STS in Africa Orals Doc


Okune, Angela. 2018. "PhD Orals Document: Querying Science and Technology Studies in Africa." PhD Orals Document. UC Irvine Anthropology. October. ...Read more

STS in "Africa" Extended Narrative - PDF

Cite as:

Okune, Angela. 2018. "STS in “Africa”: Extended Narrative." In PhD Orals Document: Querying Science and Technology Studies in Africa, created by Angela Okune. PhD Orals Document. UC Irvine Anthropology. October.Read more

Full Bibliography: STS in Africa

Aimé, Segla Dafon, and Akpona Simon. 2018. “The Role of a Yoruba Traditional Leaf in a Fermented Food Technology (Nauclea Latifolia, Sarcocéphalus Latifolius): Shedding Light on African Accuracy of Implicit Knowledge and Technologies".” Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 5 (2...Read more

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