
Introduction: Minor Traditions, Shizen Equivocations, and Sophisticated Conjunctions

This paper is an introduction to the issue  "Multiple Nature-Cultures, Diverse Anthropologies." By showing the equivocal notion of shizen, Japanese translation for "nature," the paper explores the existence of multiple nature-cultures. 

The special issue...Read more

Publication Trends around anthropology and STS

The Anthropological Turn series, Suiseisha

In 2015, a Japanese publisher, Suiseisha ( 水声社 ), whose previous focus was French and other...Read more

Toward an Anthropology of Landmines: Rogue Infrastructure and Military Waste in the Korean DMZ

This 2016 article by Eleana Kim was published by Cultural Anthropology and is available on their websiteRead more

Toward Natural-cultural Relativism
Toward Natural-cultural Relativism : Considering the Future of Globalization from the Standpoint of the Inuit Indigenous Movement (<Special Theme> Beyond "Globalization")
Author: Keiichi OMURA...Read more

Human–Nonhuman Relations

The relationship between human and nonhuman beings has been investigated in anthropological studies on magical-religious practices such as animism, shamanism, and spirit possession. Studies of gift-exchange and personhood have also elaborated important arguments about the unfolding of encounters...Read more

The Ontology of Technology

The Ontology of Technology : Considering the Potentiality of Natural-Cultural Anthropology through an Analysis of the Inuit Technological-Complex System (<Special Theme>New Horizon of Ethnography on Technology)

Author: Keiichi Omura
Keywords:...Read more

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