
Learning to be a sensing plant

[One of the plant scientists] tells me how her lab is trying to bring this sunflower experiment indoors, into controlled conditions. “We can do this in a growth chamber too. So we’ve got LED...Read more

The Butterfly and the Frigate: Social Studies of Science in Japan

In this 1989 "Country Report," Low argues that "despite some exceptions, much of the stimulating work on Japanese science has come from outside the country."  (313) Low explains that literature in Japan on Japanese science serves to mystify science and perpetuate stereotypical banaries such as "...Read more

Work in Progress: Proposal for Comparative Studies on East Asia STS

This article proposes a qualitative/quantative analysis of articles published in the Journal of Science and Technology Studiesa Japanese language STS journal, and East Asian Science, Technology, and Society to gain a grasp on what might constitute "East Asian Science...Read more


In the slow turn away from speculative philosophy to grounded ethnography, from the “ontological” turn to the ecological turn, from presentism to future scenario-and-design thinking, and from...Read more

Life of the Metabolism

Life of the Metabolism: An Experimental Inquiry into Mobility (<Special Theme>Hybrid Bodies)

Auther: Gergely Mohacsi

Keywords: diabetes, embodiment, epidemiology, genetic research, mobility, Japan

In the past decade and a half, anthropology, along with other human...Read more

Darwin Commemorations and Three Generations of Historians of Biology

In this article, Akihisa Setoguchi discusses the history of biology in Japan in terms of three generations of historians defined by their relationship to Darwinism from 1909 to 2009. Specifically, he focuses on their respective assessments of the influence of Edward Sylvester Morse, who...Read more

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