Indigenous Knowledge

2012. Green. "Beyond South Africa’s ‘indigenous knowledge – science’ wars"

Abstract: " In this paper, the paradoxes and difficulties attending the notion of indigenous knowledge in South Africa are reviewed and an alternative dialogue about intellectual heritage is proposed. Beginning with a survey of debates on ‘indigenous knowledge’ and sciences in...Read more

Cheri Johnson's Beyond Academia. 2. Concepts

Second Review for Cheri's Beyond Academia Sketch Annotation (adopting the PECE terminology is getting increasinly weird!)

The main concepts I think of reading the two questions is "...Read more

Capital and the academy

Green raises questions about the entanglement of capital in approaches to IK. She argues that once that is acknowledged, then different kinds of conversations can be raised with regard to ...Read more

Indigenous People's Knowledge Claims

Hi Anneke,

Many thanks for your fun-to-read and interesting sketch.

While reading through your document, one particular paragraph stood out to me ("do my citations include relevant...Read more

Bifurcation between "IK" and "science" is not productive

  • The current bifurcation between “IK” and “science” is not productive and does not facilitate the discussions that are needed on intellectual heritage or the relationship between

  • ...Read more
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