iHub Research

4S 2018 Poster: iHub Research Beginnings

This poster series was created as part of  IHUB RESEARCH (2011 - 2017): A CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY ACTION RESEARCH GROUP WITHIN NAIROBI'S FLAGSHIP TECH INNOVATION HUB, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia. All posters...Read more

Medium Post: "Lessons Learned from Conducting Tech Research in the ‘Silicon Savannah’"

AO: This post, published via Medium to attract a broader audience, was part of the iQuarterly 2016 publication by iHub Research and reflected on lessons learned from almost 5 years of working for/on/with iHub Research.Read more

Final Report: ICTs and Governance in East Africa

AO:  This landscape analysis, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) via the ICT4Democracy East Africa Network covered three countries in East Africa. The study was one of several projects run under the broader thematic area of ICTs and Governance.Read more

4S 2018 Poster: iHub Research External Conditions

This poster series was created as part of  IHUB RESEARCH (2011 - 2017): A CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY ACTION RESEARCH GROUP WITHIN NAIROBI'S FLAGSHIP TECH INNOVATION HUB, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia. All posters...Read more

Annex: Mobile Usage at the Base of the Pyramid in Kenya

AO: This document is the accompanying annex to the main report findings.Read more

Final Report: Uchaguzi Kenya 2013

AO: This project related to our broader work looking at the use of ICTs as part of Kenyan elections (e.g. Umati). Our close relationship with Ushahidi and their election-specific project, Uchaguzi made it easier for us to gain access to many of the various process meetings, and interview the...Read more

4S 2018 Poster: iHub Research Build Lab

This poster series was created as part of  IHUB RESEARCH (2011 - 2017): A CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY ACTION RESEARCH GROUP WITHIN NAIROBI'S FLAGSHIP TECH INNOVATION HUB, an STS Across Borders gallery collection at the 4S 2018 annual meeting in Sydney, Australia. All posters...Read more

Blog post: "Understanding 'Foregoing' Behavior at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) in Kenya"

AO: This blog post was based on a World Bank-funded research project that iHub Research conducted in 2013. The project, which was awarded to iHub after a competitive tender, helped to boost iHub Research's reputation and establish the legitimacy of the work we were doing. This specific blog post...Read more

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