
Jude Mwenda on future directions of STS in Africa

Jude Mwenda (May 5, 2018): "biotechnology, precolonial making" Read more

Melissa Densmore on future directions of STS in Africa

Melissa Densmore (May 6, 2018): " There are some major structural issues entailed in the conference circuit - resulting in geographical siloing of research contributions. Would like to see more support for "southern-driven" conferences, with ties to mainstream conferences, as well as more...Read more

Angela Okune on the future directions of STS in Africa

Angela Okune (June 6, 2018): I think that future research related to science and technology in/from/on Africa should look at research infrastructures, that is, the technical, legal, political, economic and social infrastructures that have been and are being established to produce...Read more

2017. Vaisman. "The Human, Human Rights, and DNA Identity Tests"

"This special issue examines the diverse realities created by the intersection of emerging technologies, new scientific knowledge, and the human being. It engages with two key questions: how is the human being shaped and constructed in new ways through advances in science and technology...Read more

Outer Space Utopias in Silicon Valley

This abstract of my talk at the 4S conference in New Orleans indicates how I have been developing my research interests in futures, outer space, and utopia.  Read more

Michel Wahome on Future Directions of STS in Africa

Michel Wahome (August 20, 2018): "Continued work in the development of decolonial epistemology so that Africa can speak about and for itself." Read more

Laura Meek on future directions of STS in Africa

Laura Meek (May 12, 2018): " ontological politics & world-making practices" Read more

Helena Barnard on future directions of STS in Africa

Helena Barnard (April 25, 2018): " The rise of predatory journals and what it suggests about how African scholars perceive the process of knowledge generation is a critically important issue." Read more

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