
2017. Damjanov. "Of Defunct Satellites and Other Space Debris: Media Waste in the Orbital Commons"

"Defunct satellites and other technological waste are increasingly occupying Earth’s orbital space, a region designated as one of the global commons. These dilapidated technologies that were commissioned to sustain the production and exchange of data, information, and images are an...Read more

Laura Meek on future directions of STS in Africa

Laura Meek (May 12, 2018): " ontological politics & world-making practices" Read more

Alev Coban on future directions of STS in Africa

Alev Coban (May 9, 2018): "In general, I would like to see STS research IN Africa expanding. Financial support for local researchers and for building research institutes is needed, so that local research becomes more visible globally." Read more

Melissa Densmore on future directions of STS in Africa

Melissa Densmore (May 6, 2018): " There are some major structural issues entailed in the conference circuit - resulting in geographical siloing of research contributions. Would like to see more support for "southern-driven" conferences, with ties to mainstream conferences, as well as more...Read more

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