Transnational STS in Engaging Science, Technology, and Society (ESTS) Journal

Aalok Khandekar, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad

Strengthening “Transnational STS” is a primary goal of the incoming editorial collective of 4S’s Open Access journal, Engaging Science, Technology, and Society (ESTS...Read more

2020 Dec 7. Transcript of Audio Clip on What Counts as "Technical."

Transcript of Audio Clip Recorded December 7, 2020

Angela Okune:

I can start with the technical education since I'll probably draw from the post that I wrote kitambo [a long time ago] and like pull from other stuff. I think what's really interesting about the...Read more

ITU STS Program

This is an essay written by Prof. Hacer Ansal in Turkish. Prof. Ansal established the first STS MA program at a Turkish university (Istanbul Technical University) back in 2000. In the digital collection "...Read more

Data Index for "Locating Multiple NatureCultures"

Mohacsi, Gergely. 2018. “‘Experimenting through NatureCulture’ (PECE Essay). In Anthropologies of Science and Technology in Japan, edited by Yoko Taguchi, Miki Namba, Grant Jun Otsuki, Gergely Mohacsi, and Shuhei Kimura. STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, curated by Aalok Khandekar and...Read more

Aesthetics of more-than-human worlds in the Art of Sonia Levy

"Whether it is the nightly activities of urban foxes ( Vulpine Domesticity, 2010-2013 ), a humpback whale telling the story of how it moves about ( ...Read more

Story of the Stories for Nuclear Alla Turca

An essay written by Maral Erol, which reflects on the video interview she and Aybike Alkan conducted with Can Candan as part of the "Innovating STS in Turkey...Read more

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