
Angela Okune: Brief Bio

Angela Okune ( Twitter | Web ) is a doctoral student in the Anthropology Department at the University...Read more

Sean Michael Ferguson

  1. Sean Ferguson
  2. Affiliated to California State University Channel Islands, PECE group, UC Irvine, H.O.P.E. Gardens GR, but otherwise independent.
  3. I am recently involved with the PECE design team and hope to support the collectives growth throughout 2023 brief
  4. ...Read more

Daniene Byrne Collaboration Bio

Hi everyone

So happy to join you all.

I am a fifth year PhD Student...Read more

Maka Suarez

I’m an assistant professor in Anthropology at the University of Oslo and co-founder of Kaleidos-Center for Interdisciplinary Ethnography at the University of Cuenca -Ecuador, where I am a visiting professor.

I work across economic, political and medical anthropology exploring the...Read more

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