AO: In this quote, Maranga implicitly argues that through the promotion of reading, libraries can help to raise consciousness. Here, he explicitly mentions consciousness raising amongst...Read more
AO: Here, we see Maranga leveraging a progress (and linear development) narrative to describe the importance and necessity of archives and libraries.
For society to be able
...Read more
AO: This artifact gives an appreciation for the types of materials held by BIEA that have been archived through Aluka/JSTOR. According to this overview written up by the British Archaeology Data Service...Read more
AO: This report documents a two-day workshop held on 13th and 14th of October 2016 for scholars and archivists working in and on Africa. The workshop was held in Lusaka, Zambia on the theme of “Endangered and Post-Colonial Archives in Eastern and Southern Africa.” The workshop was coorganised by...Read more
I think archives and libraries are unique and special because they serve as a meeting point for knowledge seekers. People who may have never met under any other...Read more
AO: This artifact presents the information as displayed on the BIEA website (as of July 19, 2019) as relates to the BIEA library. The library hours on Saturday have been extended to 2 PM.Read more