
Co-construction of Machines and Social Groups
Co-construction of Machines and Social Groups : The Development of Agricultural Machinery Technology and the Formation of Mechanics Groups in Thailand(<Special Theme>Anthropology of Science and Technology)
Author: Atsuro...Read more
Anthropologies of the United States

Jessica R. Cattelino describes three ways anthropologists of the United States have located the anthropological field.Read more

Traveling Comparisons: Ethnographic Reflections on Science and Technology

This special issues, edited by Atsuro Morita and Gergely Mohacsi, has been published in the journal of East Asian Science, Technology and Society as an attempt to link STS and anthropology through methodological experiments of comparison. The contributors presented ethnographic accounts of...Read more

Wild Goose Chase: The Displacement of Influenza Research in the Fields of Poyang Lake, China

This 2015 article by Lyle Fearnley builds on the contrast between lab and field sciences through the study of scientists researching avian influenza in the fields of Poyang Lake, China.Read more

Infrastructuring Environments

This paper is an introduction to the special issue "Infrastructuring Environments," which is one of the outcomes of the KAKEN research project "Environmental Infrastructures: Comparative...Read more

Infrastructures as Ontological Experiments

This 2016 paper is an introduction to the special issue on infrastructure  which is one of the outcomes of the KAKEN research project "Environmental Infrastructures: Comparative Ethnographic Study...Read more

Concept: Anthropology of the Contemporary

"the contemporary"

the : definite article contemporary : evokes the now in a longer when

~ adjacent: close but not touching ~ a moving ratio ~ a shifting lens to mark time ~ making thought part of the world...Read more

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