Angela Okune

r@iHub research workshops (2011)

AO: I made this powerpoint for a two-hour workshop outlining qualitative research at the iHub on May 13, 2011. This was the first of a series of several workshops that iHub hosted on a weekly basis touching on a wide range of topics related to research. Other workshops included one on grant...Read more

PECE: Analytics, Structure, Discursive Risks & Motivations for Use

AO: These orals documents seek to understand the discursive risks (Fortun 2012) of relevant literatures for my project. How have scholars been thinking and writing about science and technology in Africa, collaboration, and investments into the African university?

...Read more

Angela's Project + "STS in Africa"

This orals essay focuses on understanding the themes and topics that social scientists studying Science and Technology in Africa have been working on. I am particularly interested in studying the data practices of these scholars and how they describe their own and others’ data practices. This...Read more

Angela Okune on External Conditions

Angela Okune (May 2018): "A productive tension for iHub Research was navigating the balance between producing relevant work in the service of the Kenyan technology sector while simultaneously acting as a grounding point of reference to remind technology evangelists that technology does...Read more

Medium Post: "Lessons Learned from Conducting Tech Research in the ‘Silicon Savannah’"

AO: This post, published via Medium to attract a broader audience, was part of the iQuarterly 2016 publication by iHub Research and reflected on lessons learned from almost 5 years of working for/on/with iHub Research.Read more

Slides for Okune presentation to Stanford University STS

Here are the slides used to present to the STS graduate students at Stanford University on May 18, 2022.Read more

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