
"In your own opinion, what were the core aspects that made iHub Research what it was?"

" Novelty - that you were part of something new and exciting. Not just research but a niche in tech research (discovery).

The team. The calibre of the individuals who started iHub Research were top notch. You just have to look at where they are...Read more

AFRICA IN OUR LIVES: An Interview with Julie Livingston

This interview by Kyra Fox as part of the BIG STORIES + CLOSE (UP) RESEARCH series from the African Studies Department at University of Wisconsin - Madison highlights Julie Livingston's research trajectory.Read more

2017. Tantchou. "The Materiality of Care and Nurses’ “Attitude Problem”"

Abstract: " Health systems in Africa have been widely studied in the social sciences. Several aspects have been addressed in particular: the provision of and access to care, working conditions, the human resources crisis, and patient–provider relations, for example. In this...Read more

2007. Langwick. "Devils, Parasites, and Fierce Needles Healing and the Politics of Translation in Southern Tanzania"

Abstract: “In Tanzania, the encounter between a traditional malady called degedege and the modern malady malaria is a fight to participate in the making of the bodies of women and children as well as the agents that afflict them. In their respective settings,...Read more

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