
2011. Burrell. "User Agency in the Middle Range: Rumors and the Reinvention of the Internet in Accra, Ghana"

“This article is an analysis of rumors about Internet scamming told by Internet cafe´ users in the West African capital city of Accra, Ghana. Rumors provided accounts of how the Internet can be effectively operated by young Ghanaians to realize ‘‘big gains’’...Read more

2016. Foster. "A Postapartheid Genome Genetic Ancestry Testing and Belonging in South Africa"

“This article examines a genetic ancestry testing program called the Living History Project (LHP) that was jointly organized by a nonprofit educational institute and a for-profit genealogy company in South Africa. It charts the precise mechanisms by which the LHP sought...Read more

2016. Shrum et al. "Has the Internet Reduced Friendship? Scientific Relationships in Ghana, Kenya, and India, 1994-2010"

" Has the Internet changed the pattern of social relations? More specifically, have social relations undergone any systematic change during the recent widespread diffusion of new communications technology? This question is addressed using a unique longitudinal survey that bookends...Read more

Reflections by Ademide Adelusi-Adeluyi on the nature of historical sources

“These issues of using these new applications are tempered by questions of sources yet again. How do we reinterpret these sources? Assemble them? Deal with the ever present question of mediation and the masking of local agency? The first and most immediate risk comes from the nature of...Read more

Leslie Green on narratives about Africa

"My PhD was on journalism and narratives of crisis and conflict in KwaZulu­Natal in the 1990s. I feel very strongly about the role of the media in generating responsive, responsible stories." Read more

AFRICA IN OUR LIVES: An Interview with Julie Livingston

This interview by Kyra Fox as part of the BIG STORIES + CLOSE (UP) RESEARCH series from the African Studies Department at University of Wisconsin - Madison highlights Julie Livingston's research trajectory.Read more

Blog post: "Making it Through the Water Crisis"

This blog post by Lesley Green was initiated in response to an email from a journalist who asked for comment on the Cape water crisis. His email was titled "Will Cape Town survive the deadliest water crisis?." Green responds that this is not “the deadliest” water crisis and that the city...Read more

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