We all have individual projects and careers. Nonetheless, producing texts collectively is a vital activity and goal of the lab. This coding document is the first exercise of writing collectively that emerged during our RUSTlab Retreat 2019 and over the following weeks/months/years. We decided that the process of thinking and writing the coding together would be continuously reflected and documented as part of the document itself. This way, we enact an old lesson from STS: observe science (and technology studies) in action instead of ready-made science (and technology studies). But even more importantly, we want to understand better the ways we engage with each other and the text to facilitate and support this collective process.
Guide of procedure for collective lab writing
This is the procedure we have set for contributing to coding in writing.
Turn on “Track Changes” whenever you feel your contribution may be controversial or should be discussed. Else, please turn it off and write as a collective author.
After editing, hit the safe button again and upload the file to the Sciebo folder “lab Coding.” Move the older document version (the one you copied and renamed in step 3) to the subfolder titled “coding-archive.”